Getting Started Checklist

Photo from CreativeMornings/San Diego

To help you make sure you’ve covered all the bases for getting started as a host, here’s a handy to-do list that pulls together the key actions covered in the Getting Started section.

Your Getting Started Checklist:

Your chapter’s brand assets: Download all of your chapter’s brand from the resources page, so you always have them handy.
Post on the city page: Introduce yourself and your vision for the chapter with a first post on your city page (via your Tumblr account). This shows that your chapter is active and working towards your first event.
Introduce yourself on Slack: Say hello to the global host community in the #introductions channel on Slack. (And keep returning to Slack for camaraderie and advice from fellow hosts.) 
CreativeMornings profile: Make sure your CreativeMornings profile is up-to-date and has a profile photo and bio. Your profile image will appear on the cities page.
Social media accounts: Log into all of your chapter's social media sites to get acquainted and start posting. 
Facebook: Set up this account and add Julie as an admin. Update the footer of your Mailchimp templates with your Facebook link.
Tumblr: Check your email for an invite. Your Tumblr is integrated with your city page, so posting on Tumblr will update your city page.
Team building: Build your team of organizers, event day volunteers, and a roster of local partners. Running a CreativeMornings chapter is a community effort.
Update your city page: Add the members of your team to the about section and grant them admin privileges. 
Your first event: Please let us know when it is scheduled. We'll be cheering you on! 
Monthly sharing kit: Before your first event (and every event after), download the monthly sharing kit for the most up-to-date slides and visuals to use.
Practice using CreativeMornings tools: Before your first event, make sure you and your team and well-acquainted with how to create an event page, how to message the guest list, and  how to check in attendees
Send your first Mailchimp email. New to Mailchimp? Here's how to send your first campaign
Tell us how it went: After your first event, share your favorite photo on Slack (in #townhall) or the private Facebook group.
Handbook: Have a question or need inspiration? Read the Handbook! (The password is goodmorning.) It's brimming with answers, advice, and ideas collected from years of real-life hosting experiences from organizers around the world.
Community Office Hours: Sign up for a monthly office hours for ideas and insights into topics relevant to CreativeMornings organizers. You can watch past recordings too.
Style reminder: Don't forget to spell CreativeMornings as one word. Read more brand do's and don'ts.
Have fun! Really, we’re serious about this part.

 ⟵Building a volunteer team

High five! You've finished the Getting Started section, so do a little dance.

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